Friday, August 3, 2012


Well last night we stayed beside a beautiful lake, it was lovely wakng up to the view. Charles wanted to get going and have breakfast later (so whats new?). We are heading for the Grampion ranges now where people go rock climbing and lots of walking.

Oh boy, who's stupid idea was it to go to the Grampions, mine!! This road is so scary after being on the flat for a week, at first it was so misty I thought we wouldn't see anything, maybe that would have been better. It is twice as bad with a trailer on and a light on the dash saying your brakes need attention!
There are hairpin bends all the time and why is it that the cliff is always on my side ? Charles keeps telling me that the wheels are not at the edge of the road the car does overhang the wheels, but not enough for me.

We now have a decision to make whether to stay here a night or go on to Ballarat and whether to drive right through the Grampions or take off to Stawell.

Well got to go to the visitors centre and grabbed some info then it was off !again, I think that's it for the Grampions!
Yes it was straight on to Ballarat, then looking for a motel while negotiating our first traffic since Perth. No luck so thought we would go to Bunningyong as it is a small town, no such luck, so small it didn't have a motel. Looked up the name Roper at the visitors centre/family history library. Nothing but they told us to go back to a motel, they were full but directed us to another and so here we are. It would be so nice to lounge about for 2days, I'll see what I can do. They even have hot chocolate in the tea bags yahoo!

But first a shower, then wasing, its allright when you are on the nullabour but in civilization i keep saying I need a shower. Will now send these while I can.


Well no sleep in again, had breakfast and hit the road and drove for hours getting out of South Australia. We are now in Victoria which looks like it has had a lot of rain, everything is much greener.

Oh, I forgot todar we went on a ferry across the Murray River at Wakerie, that was a pretty town. other than that not much to write about. We are thinking maybe a motel tonight before we get to the Grampion Mountains.


Lat night before we stopped just before sunset at some ruins and a water hole with a large rock jutting up into the air. The rock was called death rock, they think because the aboriginals bought the elderly there to die. We just had time to walk to that before it got dark.

This morning we started out before sunrise again and I wanted to see the rest of the ruins which were up the road a bit. It was still dark but I was determined to see them so grabbed a torch and away I went. It was a bit scary but Charles secided toncome too. It was amazing, there was a huge house enclosed by a wall. It had a surgery and office, 6 bedrooms parlor and huge kitchen out the back with servants quarters there. There was also workman's huts and men's kitchen and mess hall, also stables and wookshed. Apparently it was 365 square miles and had 30,000 sheep and cattle. I went to a service station and found some info on it and the owners.

We are now eating . fish and chips and looking at a ferry crossing the Murray River. We intend to go to a free camp down the road.


Well we stayed in Port Licoln for the night at a very expensive park home, it was like Dunsborough prices in the summer. It was great to get a shower and make a reasonable meal. We left about 9 o'clock and headed for the museum Charles wanted to see but it was only open Tuesdays and Thursdays and weekends. He didn't want to stay around so we took off.

Looks like we are driving through to Port Augusta. I asked if we could go north to Wilpenna and through the Flinders Ranges so i guess we may get there tonight. There are a few gorges to look at and hopefully some Hans Heyson country. (for thosr not Australian he was a painter in the early 1900's and painted some really colourful gum tree scenes)

Hope to be able to stop at Maccas to get these blogs on the net otherwise you will get them all at once when we get there.


We were driving in the morning until about 4am. Then we slept a few hours, we got to Ceduna and had to give in some fruit, but decided to keep driving down the Eyre Peninsular. This is a really pretty region, with farms right down to the water, everything is so green at the moment. We drove to Streaky Bay where we have stayed previously, a guy got bitten by a shark today at a beach here, apparently he is OK.

My ribs are really hurting now and Charles said I probably tore myintercostal muscle and it takes about the same time to heal as broken ribs. Oh well that is a good start for our mission.

We decided to keep going on to Port Lincoln where we will stay.

We arrived about 5pm and booked into a park home Charles has a bad cold so he is sleeping trying to get over it. Tomorrow he wants to go back to a boat museum he saw last time. It is really nice having a bit of luxury for a short time.


Well it has started again Charles is up early and on the road by 6 o'clock before breakfast. I think it would be better to start when the sun is fully up so you are not driving into the sun. We are coming in to Caiguna and will stop for fuel and hopefully make some porridge.

Stopped for fuel and thought we might get something for breakfast.

What a rip off, didn't get any food as a tiny muffin was $4.50!, Having to get fuel tuere is bad enough.

We are now in South Australia and have just seen about 30 camels wandering around on the side of the road, wouln't want to hit one of those, We are now out of phone range until Ceduna where Charles says we can stay at a motel for the night, yeh!,

Well we drove and drove and slept for a few hours, back in the old ways.


Today we rested a bit but continued in the afternoon. We went and viewed the super pit, which is the largest open pit minein Australia. We drove throughKalgoorlie looking at the old buildings, it was too late for us to go to church so we continued on, going through Kambalda. Kambalda was formed when nickel was found but it is a dying town now as the price of nickel has fallen so much. It is sad to see a town so neglected but we thought the same thhing about Tom Price when it was nearly empty of people and you could have got a house for a pittance andit has come back and is now booming.

We stopped at another nice free camp that has been done up with new toilets,hope this is a good sign of new rest stops all theway, but I think it will only be until the borderwith South Australia. They seem to not worry about the west side of their state.

At Last our mission trip is on 28.7.12

Well can hardly believe it we are on our way!!

We had a bit of a hiccough when we started got 3 houses down and the trailer unhitched. After much heaving, boy that was heavy, got it on again and away we went. While I was heaving at the trailer I felt something near my ribs go pop but it didn't hurt much so I didn't worry. Still didn't feel like we were actually going until we turned at the sign that said "Kalgoorlie".

We have allready broken our rules and stopped amd had some junk food, but that is it. Of course Beth got up and saw us off with a good breakfast, so only stopping for fuel from now on. The weather is just great but Charles still has the heater on to keep his toes warm!

Thank you to all those that helped us on our way, it was really great.

Welll we had a good trip, Charles looked at a military museum at Merredin then we drove to the east of Southern Cross and have stopped for the night at a free camp spot. It is one of the better ones with a toilet and tables and chairs. We are going all out tonight and having steak and vegies and even fruit and custard. Today was about 500 kms a little further than we said we would do, but tomorrow I think there will be more to see and stop for, so may only do 400kms, It is my aim to slow Charles down to smell the roses!!

Well I will post this as soon as I get internet connection, goodnight.