Friday, August 3, 2012


Lat night before we stopped just before sunset at some ruins and a water hole with a large rock jutting up into the air. The rock was called death rock, they think because the aboriginals bought the elderly there to die. We just had time to walk to that before it got dark.

This morning we started out before sunrise again and I wanted to see the rest of the ruins which were up the road a bit. It was still dark but I was determined to see them so grabbed a torch and away I went. It was a bit scary but Charles secided toncome too. It was amazing, there was a huge house enclosed by a wall. It had a surgery and office, 6 bedrooms parlor and huge kitchen out the back with servants quarters there. There was also workman's huts and men's kitchen and mess hall, also stables and wookshed. Apparently it was 365 square miles and had 30,000 sheep and cattle. I went to a service station and found some info on it and the owners.

We are now eating . fish and chips and looking at a ferry crossing the Murray River. We intend to go to a free camp down the road.

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